Kol Skywalker (1)Full unit name: Skywalker, Kol
Last updated: 09.06.2024 21:55:02
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Legacy : Broken, part 1
Star Wars Legacy : Broken, part 1
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Was killed by: Nihl
Supporting Characters
(Massacre at Ossus
Massacre at Ossus
Legacy Era
Relations: New Jedi Order
New Jedi Order
New Republic
Family Relations
Husband of: Morrigan Corde
Morrigan Corde
Supporting Characters
Father of: Cade Skywalker
Cade Skywalker
Major Characters
Known Facts (2)
Massacre at Ossus (2) »
Kol Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male Jedi Master and the head of the Jedi High Council
New Jedi Order
New Republic
. Descended from Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Major Characters
and Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
, he grew to be a powerful and respected Jedi. A mission alongside Imperial agent Morrigan Corde led to love and the birth of a son, Cade Skywalker
Cade Skywalker
Major Characters
. Skywalker raised Cade on his own after Corde left to continue her Imperial career and he eventually entrusted Cade to the care of his former Padawan, Wolf Sazen, as an apprentice. Kol Skywalker took on his own apprentice yet again in Shado Vao. Skywalker spearheaded the Ossus Project, designed to rehabilitate the Yuuzhan Vong
Yuuzhan Vong
Sentient Species
's public image by having them restore war-torn worlds, but the biotechnological experiment was sabotaged, provoking war in 127 ABY between the Fel Empire - joined by the One Sith - and the Galactic Alliance and Jedi with them. When the Galactic Alliance surrendered three years later, Skywalker refused to serve the Empire and withdrew to Ossus, where the Sith followed and attacked the academy
Massacre at Ossus
Legacy Era
there. In a one-man last stand, Skywalker held off the hordes of Sith, giving his own life to buy enough time for the Jedi younglings, his son, and Vao and Sazen to escape. After his death, Skywalker continued to appear to his son as a Force ghost, exhorting Cade to reject the dark side and live up to his heritage.


See also
Complete list

Full unit name: Skywalker, Kol Last updated: 09.06.2024 21:55:02